Caim Forsythia


AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 6'7"

© Cayce Pollard. All rights reserved.


Caim is a quiet individual, and often comes across as rather serious. He does not show his emotions very well, nor is he able to verbalise them without a struggle. He has rather subtle expressions, making it difficult to read him at times.

This does not mean, however, that he is introverted and unsociable. Rather, he quite likes the company of others, and often heads to the bar after a job to unwind and chat with the locals. He enjoys listening to other people's stories, and has a thirst for knowledge of different cultures and experiences.

He may seem unfriendly and cold at first, but once he warms up to you, his subtle expressions and lack of words become easier to understand. He'll also begin to show affection through physical gestures, such as a hand on the shoulder, or a hair ruffle. He is fiercely protective of his friends and loved ones, and his anger is one of the rare emotions that lack any subtlety should you lay a finger on anyone he cares for.

As a bodyguard, Caim is considered reliable, and keeps calm in most situations. If there's a job to be done, he'll be the first to volunteer without complaint. Little troubles him, so he'll take on any job for the right price. He's professional, almost to a fault, and takes his job very seriously.

Work comes first for Caim, but even without it, he has a hard time connecting with others due to his inability to express himself well. He can get lonely at times, and is even more subdued than usual when it particularly troubles him.


Caim works as a bodyguard for hire, freelancing around Eorzea and going wherever the job takes him. He'll take on clients of any age and background, as long as the job is legitimate and the pay is acceptable. He'll even take on children as clients, be it helping them find their way home, or helping them retrieve lost items, all for the price of a smile and 'thank you'.

During the day, he can be found around Limsa plaza, waiting for new clients, or perusing the marketboard for better gear. If not there, he is otherwise occupied with an existing job outside the city, and will not be back until the job is done.

At night, he can be found at a bar, the Quicksand being his usual haunt, unwinding after a hard day's work.


  • Despite Caim's inability to emote most of the time, there are a few things that'll get a reaction out of him for sure. These include: hurting his loved ones, death of a loved one, flirting with him (his brain cannot compute), cute furry animals (he WILL pet your minions. multiple times.), cute things in general

  • He has high tolerance for alcohol, and can drink a LOT. He knows his limits, however, and isn't an alcoholic. He'll also never drink on the job, even if the client insists.

  • He loves food and is a big eater. Half the time, his payments from clients are nice meals of his choosing, or sweets, which he loves the most. Give him a parfait or a crepe and he'll warm up to you within seconds.

  • He's been in approximately One (1) relationship before, which did not end well, so he's a bit reluctant to start over. It doesn't help that he comes across as rather prickly, when all he really wants are hugs and hand-holding okay physical affection is his WEAKNESS

  • He's always accompanied by his lesser panda minion, Happy, whom he adores more than anything. He never leaves his house without him.

  • His best friend is Laurel Huin, who is a chaotic gremlin auri who always seems to get into trouble (and gets Caim involved too somehow...) but he wouldn't trade her for the world. Hurt her and they'll both end you.

  • His sense of direction is...well. Nonexistent. He WILL get lost even with a map, because he cannot read maps. At all. Thankfully, his clients often know where they're supposed to go, so they don't get lost...much.

  • He has scars on his face and all over his body from his job. (tfw no mods)

  • He also has black four horns; two on his forehead, and two on the sides of his head. (again, tfw no mods)

Sweets/food in generalBeing alone
Cute thingsBugs
Warm weatherCold weather
SparringManipulative people
Exploring new placesBloodlust/bloodthirsty people
Physical affection"Tough love"


Hello, I'm Aran! Thank you for taking an interest in my boy !! I'm an artist mostly, but I used to dabble in roleplay as well, although I'm a baby roleplayer on FFXIV specifically.

If you're interested in collabs or rps, feel free to hit me up on Twitter ! I can do lit, semi-lit, and casual although I'm a bit rusty since I haven't rped in a while ;;

I really like making up headcanons and exploring relationships more than anything though, and am up for brainstorming ideas first if that's more your pace!

I also have an IG account for Caim here if you wanna check it out!

The screenshots here were kindly made by my friends (Lauren Huin @ Omega and Leo Lunari @ Omega) because I'm on PS4 and suffer daily.

Things I like:Things I won't do:
Slice of lifeDeath (near death is fine)
Romance & relationshipsExtreme kinks/fetishes
HeadcanonsStraight up nsfw without build-up